Azken berriak

Ikusi guztiak

BCAM pertsonak

BCAMek, MATH4SPORTS proiektuaren esparruan, Cyrill Fouquart doktoregoko ikasle eta LOSC Lilleko kidearen bisita jaso du.

Proiektu honen helburua da aplikatutako matematikak kirol-industriaren esparrura transferitzea, teknologia bultzatzaile gisa. Aste honetan, BCAM-ek Cyrill Fouquart doktorego-ikasle eta Lille Olympique Sporting Club taldeko kidearen bisita jaso du. Fouquart gaur egun Université Polytechnique Hauts-…

Zentroari buruz

BCAM-ek 'Pint of Science' zientzia dibulgazio jaialdiaren edizio berrian parte hartuko du

  •  'Pint of Science' jaialdiak 24 hitzaldi eskainiko ditu Bilboko lau tabernatan maiatzaren 13tik 15era, sarrera doan dela.
  • Daniela Moreno eta Miguel Camarasa, BCAMeko doktoretza ikasl

Zentroari buruz

BCAM-ek ateak irekiko dizkie Bizkaiko hainbat ikastetxetako ikasleei

  • BCAM-en helburua, bisita hauekin, jakin-mina piztea eta matematikak gure bizitzako alderdi guztietan, naturatik hasi eta teknologiaraino, presente daudela erakustea da.


Azken argitalpenak

Ikusi guztiak

Combining general and personal models for epilepsy detection with hyperdimensional computing

Pale, Una; Teijeiro, Tomas; Rheims, Sylvain; Ryvlin, Philippe; Atienza, David (2024-02-01)

Epilepsy is a highly prevalent chronic neurological disorder with great negative impact on patients’ daily lives. Despite this there is still no adequate technological support to enable epilepsy detection and continuous outp...

Lipidomics signature in post-COVID patient sera and its influence on the prolonged inflammatory response

Garrido, P. F.; Castillo-Peinado, L. S.; Priego-Capote, F.; Barrio, I.; Piñeiro; Domínguez-Santalla, M. J.; Rodríguez-Ruiz, E.; Garcia-Fandino, R.; garcia fandino (2024-04-01)

Background: The ongoing issues with post-COVID conditions (PCC), where symptoms persist long after the initial infection, highlight the need for research into blood lipid changes in these patients. While most studies focus o...

Relevance of comorbidities for main outcomes during different periods of the COVID-19 pandemic

Quintana, J.M.; Rodriguez Idiazabal, L.; Portuondo-Jimenez, J.; García, Julia; Legarreta-Olabarrieta, M. J.; Gascon, M; Larrea, N.; Barrio, I. (2024-01-01)

Background: Throughout the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, the severity of the disease has varied. The aim of this study was to determine how patients' comorbidities affected and were related to, different outcomes durin...

A macroscopic clock model to solve the paradox of Schrödinger’s cat

Sokolovski, D.; Uranga, A.; Akhmatskaya, E. (2024-12-01)

We propose detecting the moment an atom emits a photon by means of a nearly classical macroscopic clock and discuss its viability. It is shown that what happens in such a measurement depends on the relation between the clock...