Ariane Trescases
Bio: I am a CNRS researcher based in Toulouse. My area of expertise lies near the interface between partial differential equation analysis and modeling in Biology. My research interests include kinetic equations and cross-diffusion systems, their well-posedness, regularity, long-time behaviour and scaling asymptotics. I am also interested in modeling and applications in Life Sciences, especially in Developmental and Cell Biology.
Title: Long-time behaviour of Keller-Segel type systems modeling local sensing
Abstract: We consider a class of cross-diffusion systems modeling chemotactic aggregation with local sensing. We will see that while reminiscent of the classical (minimal) Keller-Segel system, which may exhibit blow-up in finite time, this class of system typically possesses global-in-time solutions. Using entropy and duality methods, we discuss their rich long-time behaviour. We will also discuss possible extensions in presence of nonlinear self-diffusion.