Monday June 17th, 2024
Stéphane Mischler, lecture 1 (Link to the PDF)
Arnaud Guillin, Convergence to equilibrium of some non reversible process via Lift/Collapse and Flow Poincaré inequality (Link to the PDF)
Goncalo dos Reis, High order splitting methods for stochastic differential equations (Link to the PDF)
Morgan André, A Quasi-Stationary Approach to Metastability in a System of Spiking Neurons with Synaptic Plasticity (Link to the PDF)
Lucas Journel, The sampling of singular Gibbs measure (Link to the PDF)
Michel Bonnefont, Intertwinning and Poincaré inequalities on domains (Link to the PDF)
Tuesday, June 18th, 2024
Mona Ben Said, Compactness of the Resolvent for Degenerate Kramers-Fokker-Planck Operators (Link to the PDF)
Amic Frouvelle, Hypocoercivity in a model of aligning self-propelled particles (Link to the PDF)
Ariane Trescases, Long-time behaviour of Keller-Segel type systems modeling local sensing (Link to the PDF)
Thomas Normand, One-well metastability for an inelastic linear Boltzmann operator (Link to the PDF)
Elena Pulvirenti, lecture 1 (Link to the PDF)
Wednesday June 19th, 2024
Elena Pulvirenti, lecture 2 (Link to the PDF)
Alessandra Bianchi, Mixing cutoff for simple random walks on the Chung-Lu directed graph (Link to the PDF)
Laurent Miclo, On fraudulent stochastic algorithms (Link to the PDF)
Thursday June 20th, 2024
Claudia Fonte Sanchez, On the voltage-conductance kinetic equation (Link to the PDF)
- Pierre Gervais, Navier-Stokes limit of elastic bilinear kinetic equations (Link to the PDF)
Miguel Escobedo, Recent results on wave turbulence for the Schrödinger equation (Link to the PDF)
Noe Blassel, Sharp spectral asymptotics for reversible di usions trapped in moving domains (Link to the PDF)
Loïs Delande, Sharp spectral gap for degenerated Witten Laplacian (Link to the PDF)
- Elena Pulvirenti, Lecture 3 (Link to the PDF)
Friday June 21st, 2024
Sabine Jansen, Duality, interacting particle systems, and infinite-dimensional orthogonal polynomials (Link to the PDF)
Shahnaz Farhat, Quantum-classical motion of charged particles interacting with scalar fields (Link to the PDF)
- Severin Schraven, Counting eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators using the landscape function (Link to the PDF)
- Claudio Landim, Metastability from two different point of views (Link to the PDF)