The center
Transparency And Sustainability
BCAM Basque Center for Applied Mathematics is responsible for building and sustaining the public trust through the transparency of our processes and the accountability of our organization. BCAM, as non profit association, wants to provide open and accessible information and data on our activities and operations.
We are currently working to improve the quantity and quality of data provided here, so the Society could increase its awareness on the objectives and actions we develop, and thus we can contribute also to the sustainability of our project. This website shows the main information concerning our strategy, finances, corporate governance and procurement.
Strategic Information
BCAM is the research center on applied mathematics created with the support of the Basque Government and the University of the Basque Country, which aims to strengthen the Basque science and technology system, by performing interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of mathematics, talented scientists' training and attraction, so the excellence of our results are recognized by the Society. Our activities are guided by four year Strategic Plans.
BCAM (2021-2025) Strategic Plan's main research objectives can be found here.
Every year, BCAM evaluates its performance and publishes a report containing its main results. You can see these documents at our Annual Reports page.
Regulation And Governance
BCAM Basque Center for Applied Mathematics is a non profit association created in 2008 and registered at the Basque Government's Association Registry under id AS/B/14205/2009.
BCAM's General Assembly is the top managing committee of the Research Centre as established by its statutes and it is formed by its associate members (Ikerbasque, UPV/EHU, Innobasque, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia and Petronor Innovación S.L). The second managing committee responsible for its administration is the Steering Committee whose current members can be found at the website of Basque Associations Register.
Remuneration, compensation for withdrawal, compatibility resolutions and assets & activities declaration: BCAM doesn't remunerate its associate members as indicated in the article 18 of its Statutes.
The Associate members are represented by persons with public service positions and the regulation associated to their responsibilities, remuneration and other obligations within the public institution can be found in the following links: Remuneration, Compensation for withdrawal, compatibility resolutions and assets & activities declaration.
Financial Statements
Download our 2022 Financial Statements and Auditor's Report: Audited accounts and Report 2022
These Financial statements include relevant information about:
Real Estate Assets
2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012
Our 2021 budget is also available. Previous years' budget can be found at the financial statements.
BCAM follows the national and regional laws concerning public procurement and has complementarily set a public Procurement Policy to ensure accountable procurement processes. You can also visit our Contractor Profile in you wish further information about present and past contracts.
Gender Equality
BCAM is aware of equality issues and, after a complex analysis and diagnostic process performed in 2018 (in which all employees participated), the center elaborated an Equality Plan.
To promote this Equality Plan, BCAM has established an Equality Commission, the objective of which is detailed below:
"The objective of the Equality Commission consists of promoting respect and equal rights and opportunities for women and men within the institution.
For that purpose, the Equality Committee will ensure the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the activities provided for in the Equality Plan already elaborated by the institution.
Furthermore, it will promote policies based on the principles of freedom, democracy, justice, equality and solidarity, and will ensure that any form of sexism, discrimination and exclusion based on sex are eradicated from the organization.“
As noted in the text above, BCAM actively promotes equal rights and opportunities and rejects any form of discrimination.
More Information
BCAM, as non-profit association, wants to provide open and accessible information and data on our activities and operations. If you need any additional information, please contact us at