Numeric Tudela, course and meeting on numerical analysis Francisco Javier Sayas
Date: Tue, Jun 11 - Fri, Jun 14 2024
Hour: 9:00 - 18:30
Location: Campus of the Public University of Navarra in the capital of the Ribera, Tudela
Speakers: More information on the website
Register: Registration Link and Course Website
The "Zaragoza Numérica" school, organized by Francisco Javier (Pancho) Sayas and held biennially in Zaragoza between 2003 and 2007, aimed to promote research in numerical analysis, computational mathematics, and mathematics in general, through courses, workshops, and talks. The goal was always to set up a collaborative environment, both professionally and personally, for researchers in these areas. Young researchers, in their early years, received special attention from the school, facilitating their integration into the environment where they would move in the coming years.
When Francisco-Javier moved to the United States for professional reasons, these schools continued to be held in our national geography, thanks to the efforts of colleagues and friends who had a relationship with him. However, his collaboration from afar in the organization was essential for the smooth running of this school, which he never failed to attend. Thus we have Sevilla Numérica (2009 and 2011), Cádiz Numérica (2013), Ciudad Real Numérica (2015) and Valencia Numérica (2017).
After his sad and very premature death in 2019, this event was resumed in 2022 at his alma mater, Zaragoza, with Zaragoza Numérica, not only as a tribute to his memory but also as a firm commitment from those of us who had contact with him to continue with this school, which ultimately turned out to be one of his most valuable and beloved contributions in his intense but sadly short academic career.
That is why we have the pleasure and responsibility to present "Tudela Numérica: Francisco-Javier Sayas numerical analysis course and meeting", which will take place from June 11 to 14, 2024, at the campus of the Public University of Navarra in the capital of the Ribera, Tudela. During this school, two six-hour courses, 8 short talks/conferences, and a inute workshop will be taught. In addition, a poster session will be organized in parallel with special emphasis on young researchers.
Preliminary Program (More information about the program in this link)
Organizing committee
- Andrés Arrarás Ventura, Public University of Navarra
- Víctor Domínguez Báguena, Public University of Navarra
- Macarena Gómez Mármol, University of Seville
- Laura Portero Egea, Public University of Navarra
- María Luisa Rapún Banzo, Polytechnic University of Madrid
For any questions, clarification or additional information, please contact us by e-mail:
Confirmed speakers:
More information about the speakers on this link.