About the center

BCAM's MTB (Mathematical and Theoretical Biology) Group is currently on a research visit to several prestigious institutions in Asia

They have visited Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo,  Japan; Hokkaido University,  Sapporo l, Japan; Konkuk University, Seoul,  Korea(where they organised a symposium during the KSMB-SMB conference (over 700 participants); Universitas Indonesia,  besides the research visit, the group attended as…

About the center, English

BCAM supports Euskaraldia, 11 egun euskaraz

English, Events

Two groups of young students visited BCAM last week

English, Events, Events, Women in Science

Elena Akhmatskaya participates in the conference "Women in Science and Technology"

BCAM people, English

BCAM members have been awarded for their research work

About the center, English, Events

Students from Solokoetxe high school visit BCAM to learn about the center

About the center, English, Events

BCAM organizes several special events to celebrate its 10th anniversary