Magnetic domain-twin boundary interactions in Ni-Mn-Ga
(2020-04)The stress required for the propagation of twin boundaries in a sample with fine twins increases monotonically with ongoing deformation. In contrast, for samples with a single twin boundary, the stress exhibits a plateau ...
Second-order semi-implicit projection methods for micromagnetics simulations
(2019)Micromagnetics simulations require accurate approximation of the magnetiza- tion dynamics described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, which is non- linear, nonlocal, and has a non-convex constraint, posing interesting ...
Sensitivity of twin boundary movement to sample orientation and magnetic field direction in Ni-Mn-Ga
(2019)When applying a magnetic field parallel or perpendicular to the long edge of a parallelepiped Ni- Mn-Ga stick, twin boundaries move instantaneously or gradullay through the sample. We evaluate the sample shape dependence ...
Three-dimensional coarsening dynamics of a conserved, nematic liquid crystal-isotropic fluid mixture
(2017-09)We present a numerical investigation of the three-dimensional coarsening dynamics of a nematic liquid crystal-isotropic fluid mixture using a conserved phase field model. The model is a coupled system for a generalized ...
An efficient multigrid strategy for large-scale molecular mechanics optimization
(2017-08-01)Static mechanical properties of materials require large-scale nonlinear optimization of the molecular mechanics model under various controls. This paper presents an efficient multigrid strategy to solve such problems. This ...
Hartree-Fock theory with a self-generated magnetic field
(2017-06-01)We prove the existence of a ground state within the Hartree-Fock theory for atoms and molecules, in the presence of self-generated magnetic fields, with and without direct spin coupling. The ground state exists provided ...
An atomistic/continuum coupling method using enriched bases
(2015-12-31)A common observation from an atomistic to continuum coupling method is that the error is often generated and concentrated near the interface, where the two models are combined. In this paper, a new method is proposed to ...
A Mean-field model for spin dynamics in multilayered ferromagnetic media
(2015-12-31)In this paper, we develop a mean-field model for describing the dynamics of spintransfer torque in multilayered ferromagnetic media. Specifically, we use the techniques of Wigner transform and moment closure to connect the ...
Mean-field dynamics of the spin-magnetization coupling in ferromagnetic materials: Application to current-driven domain wall motions
(2015-12-31)In this paper, we present a mean-field model of the spin-magnetization coupling in ferromagnetic materials. The model includes non-isotropic diffusion for spin dynamics, which is crucial in capturing strong spin-magnetization ...