
Diana Marcela Pérez Valencia

Postdoc Fellow

T +34 946 567 842
F +34 946 567 842

Information of interest

spatio-temporal spHDM

Supporting code for: "A one-stage approach for the spatio-temporal modelling of high throughput phenotyping data" (BiorXiv, under review JABES)

Authors: Diana Marcela Pérez Valencia, María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarez, Martin Boer, Fred van Eeuwijk

License: Open source


High Throughput Phenotyping (HTP) Data Analysis

Authors: Emilie J Millet, Maria Xose Rodriguez Alvarez, Diana Marcela Perez Valencia, Isabelle Sanchez, Nadine Hilgert, Bart-Jan van Rossum, Fred van Eeuwijk, Martin Boer

License: Open source


Supporting code for: "A two-stage approach for the spatio-temporal modelling of high throughput phenotyping data" (Scientific Reports)

Authors: Diana Marcela Pérez Valencia, María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarez, Martin Boer, Lukas Kronenberg, Andreas Hund, Llorence Cabrera Bosquet, Emillie Millet, Fred van Eeuwijk

License: Open source