Geophysical Exploration using Advanced GAlerkin Methods

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BCAM principal investigator: David Pardo
BCAM research area(s) involved:
Reference: 644202 - GEAGAM (H2020)
Coordinator: UPV/EHU - University of the Basque Country
Partners: Participants: BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
INRIA - Insititut National de Researche en Informatique et en Auntomatique
BSC - Barcelona Supercomputing Center
TOTAL SA. Partners: PUCV- Pontificia Cathloic University of Valparaiso
UCHILE - University of Chile
Technical University of Federico Santa Maria
UT - University of Texas at Austin
KAUST - King Abudullah University of Sciences and Technology
UC - Curtin University
Duration: 2015 - 2017
Funding agency: MSCA-RISE-2014: Marie Sk?odowska-Curie
Type: International Project
Status: Closed


The main objective of this Marie Curie RISE action is to improve and exchange interdisciplinary knowledge on applied mathematics, high performance computing, and geophysics to be able to better simulate and understand the materials composing the Earth's subsurface. This is essential for a variety of applications such as CO2 storage, hydrocarbon extraction, mining, and geothermal energy production, among others. All these problems have in common the need to obtain an accurate characterization of the Earth's subsurface, and to achieve this goal, several complementary areas will be studied, including the mathematical foundations of various high-order Galerkin multiphysics simulation methods, the efficient computer implementation of these methods in large parallel machines and GPUs, and some crucial geophysical aspects such as the design of measurement acquisition systems in different scenarios. Results will be widely disseminated through publications, workshops, post-graduate courses to train new researchers, a dedicated webpage, and visits to companies working in the area. In that way, we will perform an important role in technology transfer between the most advanced numerical methods and mathematics of the moment and the area of applied geophysics.

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