6th BCAM-UPV/EHU summer school on Harmonic Analysis and PDEs: Strichartz and resolvent estimates

Date: Mon, Jul 1 - Fri, Jul 5 2024

Hour: 9:30 - 19:00

Location: Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM and University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Department of Mathematics.

Speakers: Neal Bez (he/him) (Saitama University), Luca Fanelli (UPV/EHU, BCAM & Ikerbasque), David dos Santos Ferreira (Université de Lorraine)

Register: Website and registration


Link for registration

Deadline to apply for participation: 15th of April, 2024

The BCAM-UPV/EHU summer school on harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. The theme of the summer school is Strichartz and resolvent estimates, and the meeting will take place at BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Mazarredo 14, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain and at University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Department of Mathematics from Monday 1st until Friday 5th of July of 2024.

General structure and lecturers

Our summer school aims to cover topics that are considered fundamental in the theory of Strichartz estimates. Three experts on the subject have been invited to deliver mini-courses and coordinate the learning activities: Neal Bez, Luca Fanelli, and David dos Santos Ferreira. Link to the topics: https://sites.google.com/view/hapde2024/topics?authuser=0 

Our activities will be oriented towards undergraduate and graduate students, and possibly early post-docs, with a strong preference for Ph.D. students. The projected number of participants will range between 18 and 24. 

The Summer School will mainly consist of two activities: mini-courses and student group projects. On the last day, the student groups will present to each other the work they did during the school.

Registration fee

There will be no registration fee for the participants of the summer school (up to a maximum of 24 participants). However, since we will have a limited number of participants, we kindly ask you, if interested, to apply for participation by following the link above.


The number of participants cannot exceed 24, and priority will be given to early Ph.D. students. 

You will be prompted to upload your CV (3 pages or less) and a letter of motivation (1 page at most), including the name and email address of a contact person, such as a Ph.D. advisor or similar. Please include this information in your letter as well. Please rank your topic of preference, A, B or C, in your motivation letter. The groups will be formed with the preferred choices of each student in mind, but bear in mind that you might be assigned to any group.


We offer a maximum of 10 fellowships for participating students. These fellowships will cover accommodation in Bilbao during the summer school and two meals per day. The deadline for applying for a fellowship is April 15th, 2024. 

We kindly ask participants who are interested in applying for a fellowship to indicate so when filling out the application form. 

We stress that funded fellows will have to participate in all the teaching activities of the summer school and be present in Bilbao from Monday morning until Friday afternoon of the week of the summer school.


Organizing committee

Confirmed speakers:

  • Neal Bez (he/him) (Saitama University) 
  • Luca Fanelli (UPV/EHU, BCAM & Ikerbasque)
  • David dos Santos Ferreira (Université de Lorraine)

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