About the center

BCAM participates in a key international study on brain evolution, published in Science Magazine

The study explores a fundamental question in neuroscience: Do the brains of vertebrates-including mammals, birds and reptiles-evolve along separate trajectories or does evolution direct them towards a common functional design? BCAM scientist and research leader at the Krembil Research Institute (…

English, Events, Events, Research

The International Workshop on Singular Integral Operators takes place in China

About the center, English

BCAM joins Inno Lab Bilbao (Bilbao Innovation Centre Association)

English, Events, Events, Research

BCAM, sponsor of the 29th International Biometric Conference

BCAM people, English, English, Research

Daniel García has defended his doctoral thesis

BCAM people, English, English, Research

Pablo Portilla and Marta Agustín have defended their doctoral theses