About the center
BCAM participates in a key international study on brain evolution, published in Science Magazine
The study explores a fundamental question in neuroscience: Do the brains of vertebrates-including mammals, birds and reptiles-evolve along separate trajectories or does evolution direct them towards a common functional design? BCAM scientist and research leader at the Krembil Research Institute (…
About the center
English, Events, Events, Research
The International Workshop on Singular Integral Operators takes place in China
BCAM people, English, Events
Martina Conte obtains one of the INPhINIT grants from "la Caixa" to do her PhD at BCAM
About the center, English, Events
Children from the Aupatuz association visit the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
English, Events
Great success of the International Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling held in Bilbao
English, Events
BCAM supports the statistics contest "Incubator of soundings and experiments" for the third time
BCAM people, English, English, Research
Pablo Portilla and Marta Agustín have defended their doctoral theses