BCAM members have been awarded for their research work
- Argyrios Petras, Kangwei Li and Lore Zumeta have recently received an award
During the last few weeks several members of the Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics have been awarded for their research work.
Argyrios Petras, postdoctoral researcher BCAM’s research line in Mathematical Modeling in Biosciences, won the prize for the best poster presentation during Computing in Cardiology conference held in Maastricht (Netherlands). His poster was about the effect of tissue elasticity in radiofrequency catheter ablation models.
In addition, Kangwei Li, who is currently working as a postdoc in the center's Harmonic Analysis area with a Juan de la Cierva fellowship, has received the best paper award from the journal Collectanea Mathematica. The award, which is given annually to the best papers and evaluated by an international committee of experts, was presented at a ceremony held at the University of Barcelona last Wednesday.
Finally, on Friday, the Catalan Statistics Society awarded Lore Zumeta with the prize for the best master’s final project at the XVI Contest of Applied Statistics for Students. The researcher from the Applied Statistics area at BCAM carried out this work, entitled "A Multi-state model for the prognosis of non-mild acute pancreatitis" at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya under the supervision of Guadalupe Gómez Melis.
On behalf of the entire BCAM team, our sincerest congratulations to the three of them.
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