The first edition of the workshop "QuMA: Queer and Trans in Mathematical Analysis" was hosted at BCAM

  • The workshop took place at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM, located in Bilbao, from June 12 to 14

The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM hosted the first Queer and Trans Workshop in Mathematical Analysis (QuMa) 2024 in Bilbao. The event featured a hybrid format over three days, including talks and roundtable discussions, bringing together mathematics researchers and activists from around the world in an inclusive environment. The main objective of this scientific meeting was to foster collaboration between researchers in mathematical analysis and activists from marginalized groups.

Among the invited speakers were silviana amethyst (she/her), Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire (USA); Tarik Aougab (he/him), Associate Professor of Mathematics at Haverford College, Philadelphia (USA); Ron Buckmire (he/him), Professor of Mathematics at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California (USA); Marco Carfagnini (he/they), Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of California San Diego – UCSD (USA); Padi Fuster Aguilera (she/her/ella), NSF MPS Ascend Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Colorado Boulder (USA); Elizabeth Menezes (she/her), doctoral student at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Omayra Y. Ortega (any/all), Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Sonoma State University in California (USA); Kyne Santos (she/her/he/him), Mathematics graduate from the University of Waterloo (Canada); Sylvie Vega-Molino (she/her), Associate Professor at the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy in Bergen (Norway); and Katrin Wehrheim (they/them), Associate Professor at the University of California Berkeley (USA).

The organising committee of the event was composed of Emily Quesada-Herrera (she/her/ella) from TU Graz, Graz (Austria), Jennifer Duncan (she/her) from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT) in Madrid (Spain), Silvia Ghinassi (she/her) from Shoreline Community College in Seattle (United States), and Zoe Nieraeth (she/her) from the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics in Bilbao (Spain).

The workshop is partially funded by the Spanish AEI through the projects "Severo Ochoa Excellence" (Ref. CEX2021-001142-S), "Harmonic Analysis and Applications to Partial Differential Equations" (Ref. PID2020-113156GB-I00), Juan de la Cierva Research Aid 2021 Zoe Nieraeth (Ref. FJC2021-046837-I), La Caixa Junior Leader (Ref: Junior Leader 2023. Aguilera); by the Ikerbasque Fellowship of L. Cosseti; and by project GV IT1615-22 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
